That is my resolution b/c I and Dodie have been w/o power since monday and we have spent the last 2 days running on that old french fry grease generator and moving all of Dodys hair dryers from room to room trying to keep the pipes above freezing. usually i can just slather ben gay on the pipes and that heats those pipes right up, but i am dreadful afraid that i am going to run out of ben gay, so i am rationing it real carefully.

And the reason why i have to ration the ben gay is b/c jake borrowed the truck again w/o asking and parked in that ditch he seems so fond of, and I had to use several tubes of the stuff on the truck tires just to get out of that ditch. I cld use those tubes of ben gay right now, that’s a fact.

I wish ben gay came in barrels and not these little tubes. I am going to write the ben gay company right now and tell them that.