When I was in high school in Texas, my best pal and I had a little notion. We thought, "Hey, what would happen if we blurred the focus on the old Pentax and threw stuff up in the air?"

The results, some of which I hope to post later, were some of the most convincing UFO photos I’ve ever laid eyes on. I found myself starting to question whether an alien or two had perhaps dipped down for a flyby to see what those two kids were doing throwing things up in the air. I mean, that flying pot lid was amazing.

But I knew I’d never believe another UFO photo as long as I lived when I realized that our throwing a red peanut patty (people eat weird things in Texas, OK?) had resulted in a pretty darned believable "UFO."

So today, when I came across this image from a Brazilian UFO chaser (the wonders of the Web never cease), I couldn’t stop laughing. Maybe this guy should try peanut patties.

Bigger image here. Worth the closer look–that gray thing looks like it’s at least five or six feet away from the lens!

DIY or die

Our for-profit healthcare system is pretty ludicrous. But it’s important to keep perspective. I fear some health insurance company will suggest employing patients in this manner if they get wind of this poor guy’s escapade.

Here’s an excerpt from the Ananova story:

Doctors had told car mechanic Slobodan Mocevic, 56, his operation to remove a kidney stone was cancelled because of faulty equipment.

Mocevic asked to borrow a set of tools and then stripped down and repaired the Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy machine at the hospital in Kasindol.