I wld go to the doctor but there is no point b/c you cant do much for a toe that has been stomped on by a beefalo. i think instead i and jake will make plans to eat that beefalo or trade him for something that can be eaten.

Here is a picture of the damage what that beefalo wrot:

but my toe got me thinking abt the presidents ideas for reforming healthcare and insurance and suchlike. he is proposing tax cuts and that governer in california is doing something else and those folks in massachusetts are doing some other thing, and then ofcourse you have all those smug canadians. i swear, if you make a run up to the border for some bradors and you swing a dead cat, you will hit a canadian who is only more than happy to talk abt there healthcare system. and dont get me started on those fucking Swedes.

anyways, there are just too many plans for our system and wont one of them work the way it is promised. you got one fellow saying "universal insurance" and another fellow saying "universal healthcare," and you know that those fellows are on 2 different sides of 2 different fences in 2 different towns.

Anyways, that president the other nite was talking abt incentives, and this is an incentive that will work: nobody in congress or the whitehouse gets to have any insurance for themselvces or there families until everyone else in the country has the same kind of coverage they currently have. i realize this is drastic and some people might die or not get medicine or have to sit in the emergency room for hours like the poor people they are supposed to represent.

oh well.

by the way, i do not think it was right that that democratic senator from virginia said in his rebutal that he wld like to make the president eat a nuckle sandwich. unless it is a beefalo nuckle sandwich. in which case i will provide the beefalo.