Honky Tonka Truck is I and Dodys favorite music group and they played last night at Sportsmens Lounge so I and Dody and Jake piled into the truck and went down town for the 2nd day in a row. On the way we stopped by to see if Captain Slow wanted to come w/ but he is becamped in his iceshack and did not want to come. as i have mentioned before, cpt slow took alot of those qualude pills a long time ago and that is why is he so slow all the time except when he is fixing w/ electronics b/c then he sort of comes to life. But otherwisesitting over a hole in the ice is like riding a roller coaster to him.

we asked cpt slow if he wanted to come see honky tonka truck at sporties and he usually wld have come to hear them b/c they are his favorite group also but he did not want to go. he said he did not have enough energy.

so on the way to town i and jake and dody were talking and decided that we shld be a little worried abt cpt slow. since it has been so cold lately that cpt slow has been even slower than usual, which i have to say is awful slow. and what we decided is that he needs a good jolt to get up to speed, kind of like what they did to jake in the hospital that time when he fell in the water at the sewer plant. but we dont yet have one of those machines like they have in the hosptial, so i and jake are thinking that when cpt slows ice shack is empty and he is not in it for a spell we will fill it with a bunch of eels we caught and have been keeping frozen in sawdust out behind the woodpile. we have been saving those eels for a rainy day and i think that day has arrived. except for it being to cold to rain ofcourse. if it did rain, it wld be snow. but it has been to dry and cold for that. what i mean is, we have a plan for all those eels.