Captain Slow follows music pretty close and in addition to his and mine and jake and dody’s favorite band Honky Tonka Truck he likes oldies bands like Glenn Miller and Kiss. Whenever a Kiss cover band comes to town Cpt Slow gets excited, altho unless you have known him for a long time you cannot really tell he is excited, which is the result of all the qualoods he had took many years ago and which is why we call him cpt slow.

Anyway, we have seen many Kiss cover bands such as Midget Kiss and Black Kiss and Korean Kiss and Old Lady Kiss, and last night we saw Anorexic Kiss, which was the best Kiss of all the Kisses that i have seen including Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Kiss, which was pretty good, if you ask me. But Anorexic Kiss was best b/c they were mostly a doowop band and did not have instruments but did do all the Kiss things like spit up blood and play w/ fire but they also sang in harmonies that wld make the Andrews Sisters proud. I have put some pictures below that i took with bil keane’s telephone camera, which i will mail back to him as soon as he mails me the money he owes me from poker.