If there were CIA agents around and i was in one of those black site prisons we arent sposed to know abt, i sure wld have spilled the beans at lunch today. All those CIA agents wld have to do to get me to talk wld be to start making me a grill cheese sandwhich and then drop one of the pieces of cheese and tell me to pickk it up, and then move the table so when i stood up i whacked my head. That is pretty much what happened at lunch today but w/o the CIA agents and w/ Dody instead. All i was doing was bending down to pick up a piece of cheddar cheese i dropped and when i stood up i whacked my brainpan wicked hard on the corner of that wood kitchen table. It sure did hurt. I dint get a knot or anything, but it sure was a stinger. Right after i banged my nut i was abt ready to tell Dody all abt troop movements and the positions of munitions factories.

Like they say: "loose lips sink ships, but a stinger is a dinger w/ a cherry on top." I sure cld not agree more.