When faced with a buzz cut, this was Saskia’s initial solution.

The rest of it—how she felt, hair as identity—I am still mulling. I’ll say this; even four-and-a-half year-olds care about their hair. Recently, her friend Arlo came home from school and reported to his mama, “Mom! I got in love today! I got in love with a girl who has a cool haircut and she is really funny and her name is Saskia. I told her that I got in love with her, and she said ‘Yay!'”

Overwhelmingly, the response to my very short hair has been similarly on the “cool” side. One day, I received compliments from a lesbian (“I’m calling your hubby to tell him he’d better watch out”) and a stylish French woman. I’m so keeping it.

What’s more, after writing a blog post I was very fond of first time around with lice, the writing for the return visit wound up on Salon. Yeah, click why don’t you? Read/comment/share—all that good stuff is yours for the doing (with my thanks).