Guns ‘N’ Education

The Kirk Whatley Challenge: Before you write guns off, shoot one — safely” (June 16-22, 2016) by Hunter Styles attracted a lot of attention online. We posted the article to Facebook along with the question: Can you truly be anti-gun without first firing one? Is that fair?

Here’s what people had to say:

Corinne Shaw: Can you be straight without trying out a homosexual experience?

Josh Pelland: Before firing one take a firearms safety training class.

Michelle Trottier: Can you be anti-war without first killing a bunch of people in a foreign country?

David Cogossi: Been there, done that. I did not get a hard on for it. All I could think about the whole time was, “oh my gosh, this can destroy lives in a split second.” That was at 18. I’m 50 now and still feel the same. Keep your guns; as I am not scared of life. I preferred 2004, when you could not legally have an assault weapon.

Sandra Couture: Yes. I can be anti-gun after firing one. After taking a pistol permit class. After all this and still anti-gun. Anti-unnecessary violence. Anti-small children slaughtered in their classrooms. Anti-no-background checks. Anti-loopholes galore thanks to the NRA gun nut faction.

Tizzy McCracken: Thank you for writing an open minded article on legal gun owners. I deeply appreciate the fact that someone from the media went and took this safety class to have a better sense of education about firearms, and went on the basis of the classes that are offered.
I’ve said it for years — this country needs less gun control and more gun education, and a sense of respect when it comes to handling and possessing a firearm.
When my father was in high school, it was nothing when both teachers and kids brought their rifles to school (stored in their vehicles), to later hunt after class let out. It’s sad to see how far things have come since then.

Thomas Simmons: What a refreshing article! As a firearm-owning gay man, I thank you!

Crystal Lynn: This is a well-written article about exploring the steps needed to get one’s LTC (license to carry). I’m very glad to see a journalist step up and write something so open minded.