Last night at The Cedars on Island Pond Road, City Councilor Domenic Sarno confirmed his candidacy for mayor, having taken out nomination papers earlier in the day.
In contrast to Mayor Charles Ryan‘s announcement at the same location a couple weeks earlier, Sarno had half (not the whole) the room reserved, with bowls of pretzels, potato chips and Chex Mix at each table (rather than veggies and dip at a central buffet). The room felt stiflingly warm, bright and crowded, and was much more boisterous and talkative than the Ryan crowd had been, with a great deal of beer flowing.
Sarno worked the crowd diligently, with individual care and attention, and there were many enthusiastic, smiling faces of people eager to greet him and shake his hand. It took him seemingly decades to work his way toward the podium at the far side of the room.
Audio problems prevented the event from starting promptly. Skip Lessard (pictured), chairman of the Committee to Elect Domenic Sarno, attempted a couple of times to get the announcement rolling, but could not be heard over the crowd, with the microphone not quite functioning. Then, inexplicably, the sound system jolted itself into obedience. Following is a transcript of the proceedings.
Skip Lessard: Can you hear me now? It’s a miracle. Good evening. Thank you all for coming. Look at this crowd. Is this fantastic, or what? [Applause] Let me take a second just to introduce myself. My name is Skip Lessard, I am the chairman of the Committee to Elect Domenic Sarno, the next mayor of Springfield. [Applause] I grew up in Springfield. With my wife and my children, we’ve made our home here. I own property in Springfield. My business is here in Springfield. So I have a lot of stake in what’s going on in the city. But I also care very deeply about the direction of the city and the future of the city. That’s why I’m here tonight, like you, to do everything I can to elect Domenic Sarno the next mayor of this city. [Applause] Come on, are you with me?! [Applause]
I’ve known Domenic for almost 30 years, and I’ve never met anyone who cares more about this city and its people than him. Springfield is about people, and it’s about the neighborhoods, and it’s about the individual streets and the individual homes that we all live in. Most of you like where you live. I like where I live. You like your street, you like your neighbors, you like the parks, the museums, and everything else that Springfield has to offer. And you are sick and tired of the negative comments and the city-bashing that’s going on in Springfield, and you want some of your pride back.
Springfield, like any city, has its problems, but this city is filled with great things, great history, and most of all, it’s filled with great people. You go anywhere in this city, you’re gonna meet great people; you’ve got a roomful of them right here. What Domenic is gonna do, he’s gonna bring the people together, and he’s gonna restore the pride in this city.
One of Domenic’s greatest leadership talents is bringing people together to get things done. He can make things happen. Together, we can fix the problems, and we can bring back the pride. Domenic wants everyone in this city to be able to stand tall, and say, "Yes, I’m from Springfield." [Applause] It’s not gonna be easy; this is gonna be a lot of work, and it’s gonna be a real grassroots campaign. We’re gonna need everybody’s help. We want to make sure, if you missed the tables coming in, to sign up, that you make an effort before you leave to sign the sign-in sheet, and most importantly, we need email addresses, we’re gonna try and do things the modern way. Trying to get the information out to you as quickly and efficiently as possible. We also have nomination papers that need to be signed at a table out there, if you could take a moment to go out there and sign those, that would be great.
I did want to recognize a few folks in the crowd, some of our elected officials and former elected officials. DA Bill Bennett. [Applause. Sarno whispers to Lessard] Domenic would like me to recognize some of the South End Community Center board members, if you want to raise your hands, doing great work. [Applause] Former State Representative Ray Jordan. [Applause] E. Henry Twiggs, chairman of the Democratic City Committee. [Applause] I don’t know if State Representative Angelo Puppolo‘s made it yet; I know they were stuck on the Pike trying to get back, both him and [State Senator] Gale Candaras. They should be here anytime. Former Clerk of Courts Marie Mazza. [Applause] City Councilor Kateri Walsh. [Applause] And, if we missed anybody, please let us know; we’d like to recognize you.
Now I’d like to introduce another person who holds this city in her heart, who cares deeply about the direction of this city, and is going to work very hard to get Domenic elected as our next mayor. I would like to introduce Denise Jordan. [Applause]
Election Commission Chairwoman Denise Jordan: Good evening, and welcome. My name is Denise Jordan, and like you, I came out tonight to hear Domenic’s big announcement. Before I bring Domenic, Carla and the girls to the stage, let me share some of the things about Domenic that made me want to come out to hear what he has to say tonight.
First and foremost, Domenic is a family man. Whenever you run into Domenic, he always asks you how you’re doin’, and then he asks you about your family. The first time I met Domenic, he came over and introduced himself and then he started speaking about my family, talking about, specifically, my parents, and I was impressed, because I think they’re great too. [Applause] But then, in true Domenic Sarno style, he complimented my shoes. [Laughter] And he said, "I like those shoes." He said, "Two-tone Italian leather. Very nice." [Laughter] We all know that Domenic is one of the most stylish politicians in the city, always polished [Applause] with his suspenders, and then there’s the hair. Never, and I mean there is never, a hair out of place. [Laughter] That’s Domenic Sarno.
Domenic Sarno jokingly checks to see what shoes Denise Jordan is wearing
Domenic’s political career began early, at the High School of Commerce, where he served as freshman and junior class president. Even in high school, Domenic wanted to help and lead his classmates. This is the kind of person that Domenic is. He loves the city of Springfield. And most important, he loves the citizens of Springfield. As a city councilor, Domenic has demonstrated the kind of leadership and energy that Springfield needs. He works tirelessly to ensure that all people are heard, and will always show up when you need him.
A couple of weeks ago, I ran into Domenic at a dance company recital, celebrating their 20th anniversary. And I said to him, I said, "Domenic, what are you doing here?" And he said, "I came out to support Kim Norrington, she’s a Red Raider, we went to Commerce together." [Laughter] "She’s doing things in the city for the youth, I need to be here to support her." [Applause] Domenic is all over the city. Always stopping to talk to people, listening to their concerns, and assuring them that he will follow up, and he does. Domenic Sarno is a hard-working, dedicated public servant for the city of Springfield. He’s committed to the betterment of our city, and he works hard to make sure the voices of his constituents are heard.
For all of the attributes that I have said about Domenic, we cannot forget his commitment to the city’s youth. Domenic always supports youth initiatives. Whenever you visit the South End Community Center, all the youth know him by name, and affectionately greet him whenever he is present. As the president of Springfield’s largest football league, 5A Football, I can personally say that Domenic has always attended our annual football classic to show his support to not only our youth, but to the parents in our organization. You can’t imagine what it meant to me to see Domenic jogging one Sunday afternoon in Forest Park wearing his 5A hat. [Aside] That’s why I’m here. [Laughter]
I could go on and on about all the wonderful things that Domenic does for our city, but most importantly, I want you all to know how much Domenic loves the city of Springfield, and how he has shown his dedication and commitment through his service. I would like to bring Domenic, Carla, and the girls, so he can come up here and share with us his big news. [Applause]
City Councilor Domenic Sarno: [Taking a drink] It’s not vodka, it’s water. [Laughter] What a crowd. I can’t thank you enough. This is an outstanding, diverse showing of family and friends and supporters and citizens of Springfield. To you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much. I’m up here with my lovely wife Carla, and my daughters Cassandra and Chiara; can you say hello?
Cassandra Sarno: Hello. [Laughter]
Chiara Sarno: Hello.
Sarno: Good evening, and thank you for being here tonight. You know, the last two times that we’ve been here for my events, my lovely wife Carla, and political partner, was expecting [Microphone cuts out] It just went off. That’s probably better; you won’t have to listen to me. [Laughter. Microphone function returns] Can you hear it now? Can you hear me now? It’s copyright infringement on that. [Laughter] My lovely wife Carla, my political partner, was expecting the last two times we were here. You don’t have an announcement to make tonight, do you, Carla? [Laughter]
Carla Sarno: [With Cassandra standing in front of her] I’m hiding it.
Sarno: Denise Jordan, thank you for that kind introduction. I’m very fortunate to have someone like her, that possesses the skills and the compassion for public service, to be on my team. You represent the very best in our future leaders. And I am gonna mention your mom and dad, because just like your mom and dad, Ray and Donna Jordan, you were born to lead. To my family, my mom and dad, my mother-in-law, my daughters, Cassandra and Chiara, friends, my hard-working committee and volunteers, give yourself a hand for all the hard work you do for me. [Applause] I want to thank you for your dedicated and generous support. It truly means the world to Carla and I. Growing upDenise was talking about my hair. Well, I grew up in my father’s barbershop. And that’s where public service was ingrained in me as a noble profession and true calling.
That’s why, for the past 20 years, I have dedicated my life to serving the people of Springfield. From my time in the mayor’s office as an aide to Mayor Mary Hurley, to my six years I spent working hand-in-hand with District Attorney Bill Bennett, to my time on the City Council, as both a member, and as Council President, to my time on the control board, to the hundreds of hours of meetings with constituents, working with them to solve their problems. Why? Because, for me, public service is a labor of love.
It goes without saying that the past few years have been trying times, and the next few years will be challenging. Those of you who know me know that I’m not one to be part of a problem. I’ve always been one to seek the right solution. My past years of public service have given me a unique understanding and perspective of our community, our neighborhoods, and our people. I have come to know the real strength of our community lies in the pride of our citizens. We are hard-working, family-oriented, diverse, and caring. Listen, we realize that we can’t change the past. But we can learn from it.
But more importantly, we cannot, and we will not, live in the past. Springfield is in a crossroads, yearning for a new vision, and that is why the time has come for me to take the next step.
Tonight, with your support, I humbly announce my candidacy for the mayor of the city of Springfield. [Applause. Sarno takes a drink of water]
Audience member: And it’s about time! [Laughter]
Sarno: I should just end right now. Hey, listen. I run for this office not to oppose any one person, rather, to implement a new policy and direction for the future of this city. Ladies and gentlemen, we need to create a future for Springfield now: not a minute from now, not a day from now, not a month from now, and certainly, not two years from now.
To create this new future, we need a mayor who has the energy to inspire our people to join hands together, emphasize our positive attributes, and provide a vision inclusive of all our residents, based on the fundamental principles of economic and social justice for all.
A Sarno administration will not tolerate even the appearance of racism, prejudice, or indifference. [Applause] All city employees, residents, taxpayers, will be treated with the respect they deserve. [Applause] Additionally, I will insist on the highest ethical standards in my administration. This will be achieved by a better system of checks and balances, so to prevent any appearance of any wrongdoing whatsoever.
You know what? Every cityevery resident in this city knows, all too well, that the number one challenge before us is crime. No amount of political rhetoric, stat sheets, can mask the fact that our citizens do not feel any safer today than they did two years ago. [Applause] I have the energy to fight this crime battle. As your mayor, I will be relentless when it comes to attacking quality of life issues, on every street, and in every neighborhood.
We will rid this community of the criminals who carry guns and sell drugs on our street corners by driving an aggressive agenda through our Street Strike Force and in collaboration with District Attorney Bennett, state, federal, public safety officials. We are going to eradicate those who terrorize our neighborhoods. [Applause] You know, we can’t be serious about creating a better future if people simply don’t feel safe in their homes. We can’t be serious, or expect to attract new business, or industry, in Springfield if workers don’t feel safe in or around their workplace. How do we expect families to stay in Springfield if our streets, neighborhoods, schools and playgrounds are not safe for them? There is no greater deterrent to fighting crime [sic] than an increased police presence. That is why I will support Governor Patrick, and our local delegation, in their effort to put more cops on the street. [Applause]
My friends, the time has come for the people of Springfield to take control of its destiny. The control board has served its purpose. It is now time for it to end. [Applause] It’s time for the city of Springfield to stand on its own two feet. I do not believe we need Boston residents telling us how to live and run our government. [Applause] I will work with our local delegation and Governor Patrick to ensure a smooth transition. I am not running for a seat on the Financial Control Board. I am running to be the mayor of the city of Springfield! [Applause]
Our children’s education is the foundation for building our new future. See my two young daughters? They’re part of the public school system. But you know what? [Applause] Thank you. For everyone out there, we need to do a better job. There’s a lot of teachers in here. A lot of them are my friends. I respect and admire you, and I appreciate the work you do day in, and day out. As your mayor, I will advocate for the best education for our children in a safe, disciplined environment. [Applause] And you know what? We want to provide the best teachers in all our schools. We need to stabilize our teaching work force. Very, very important. We lost a lot of good individuals. It takes time to get back on our feet, but I appreciate what you do. We simply cannot afford to do anything else. In the final analysis, it’s still the same: to inspire those to achieve their goals, and to reach the individuals who seem unreachable.
In controlling our destiny in the area of economic development: did we really need experts to tell us that the Gemini site needed to be developed? [Laughter] Or that the York Street jail should be torn down? [Laughter] Or that the site across the street from the MassMutual Center should be commercially developed?
And furthermore, did we need them to impose a trash collection fee? [Applause] I think, I think you know what the simple answer is: no! You know, the citizens of Springfield, we already pay for this service through our property tax. We’re gonna look for a way to repeal this unfair fee. [Applause]
As mayor, I want to take advantage of the new economy that is now being created before our eyes, that will make us environmentally green and prosperous. Cities like Pittsburgh; Chicago; Portand, Oregon are defining the next industrial revolution, a revolution green in design and sustainability. I will work with Governor Patrick and our local delegation in creating western Massachusetts as a state center for research, development, and the manufacturing of green products. And I want Springfield, that’s right, Springfield, to be the capital of that center. If Pittsburgh can lead the way in green development, success can be achieved in Springfield and western Massachusetts.
I will also continue my strong support for development in biotech and telecommunications in our city and our region. Very important to me is re-emphasizing business retention. We must, and we will, work with our existing businesses and industries to help them stayI want them to stay!in Springfield, and I want them to grow in Springfield. [Applause] I will personally direct this effort, and in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce, I will visit, on a weekly basis, the businesses and industries that make up our economic foundation.
When we talk about economic development, a Sarno administration will not be an impediment to doing business in the city of Springfield. It will not be our objective to get in the way of business, but more importantly, our only goal will be to assist business along the way any way we can.
Now I really appreciate everybody being here tonight, and these are just a few of my priorities for our future. During the course of the campaign, we’ll elaborate further on the issues that are facing us.
Let me conclude. I love this city. I respect the office of mayor. I am prepared to assume all its duties. So tonight, I ask you to join with me to create a new future this city deserves, and the residents expect. I thank you. God bless you! God bless the city of Springfield! Now let’s get to work!