Missed connection in Paris

Before the horrendous Paris attacks happened, before we were shocked once again by the brutality and scale of modern day terrorism, there was another story that came out.

CNN as well as ABC News reported that a U.S. drone strike had possibly killed Jihadi John. Since the initial report U.S. officials have confirmed he is indeed dead. For those who don’t know the recently deceased by name, you may know him by face though, albeit a masked one. Jihadi John as he is known, is the masked man seen wielding a serrated knife in many be-heading videos in the news. He participated in three U.S. beheadings, two British national beheadings as well as the beheadings of two Japanese citizens. He is the face of ISIS, a British national himself and director of ISIS’ propaganda machine.

So the U.S. released news that they may have killed him in a drone strike while he was getting into a vehicle inside Raqqa, Syria. ABC News even went on to say that Jihadi John is by far the most prominent member of ISIS to be killed. And then the horrible terrorist attacks in Paris, France, took place. Which ISIS has claimed responsibility for. So, one would think that these two incidents are related? And the media is talking about it right?

No. Not at all. Doesn’t that seem very strange? As far as I know, not one person has even mentioned it. Doesn’t the media when there is a big news story have all these experts on with their theories on what happened and why it happened? Would any of these highly paid, highly educated people think that the killing of this high-level terrorist from Europe may have possibly brought on this European terrorist attack?

It seems as clear as day to me, a common citizen without any journalistic training or degree in terrorism, that there may be a connection here. How is the connection of these two stories not even viewed as a possible theory by any of the professional mass media and our grand world governments?

Welcome, disenfranchised Republicans!

Eight decades ago, the Germans launched a war on Judaism. Synagogues were destroyed. Jewish newspapers were silenced. Jews had special ID cards.

Now, Republican presidential candidates want to move forward to the past. Marco Rubio would close mosques, cafes, and Internet sites. Ben Carson wants government spies in mosques, schools, press corps, and churches. Donald Trump asks Americans to spy on their neighbors. Ted Cruz would ban Moslem immigration. Trump and Carson call for torture via waterboarding.

Trump, Carson, Rubio, and Cruz are four of a kind. They reject our Constitution. They campaign against our Bill of Rights.

It is time for good Republicans to flee their party. Republicans: Your party’s presidential candidates are not the party of Eisenhower, Goldwater, Romney, or President Bush. You have only one patriotic road to take. Abandon ship! Abandon ship now. Find or form a different political party, a party true to our country’s traditions. Please consider the Libertarians. We stand for peace, freedom, prosperity, and Massachusetts social tolerance.

Defunding Planned Parenthood is anti-poor

The Republican members of Congress should be ashamed of their efforts to defund Planned Parenthood. The abortion part has already been defunded many years ago. No public funds can be used for abortions. Now they want to defund the other 97 percent of Planned Parenthood, that is the pre-natal care, contraceptive care, STD and HIV treatments, mammograms, cancer screenings, PSA tests for men — everything. This is not anti-abortion. This is anti-poor. A full range of services including abortion will continue to be available for the non-poor at OB/GYN and urologists’ offices. These so-called “pro-life” people are really anti-life for the poor as eliminating medical care for the poor will not have a good outcome.