Sign violation down at last; what store now?

A while after I had stopped grumbling to myself about it, walking by it every day while taking my kids to school, the signage that folks constructed last spring on the storefront at 196-206 Dickinson Street in Forest Park finally came down yesterday. I documented the...

Election day: no donuts for you

The Boston Globe predicted yesterday that election day turnout across Massachusetts would break records for any gubernatorial race in history. Today, the Globe offers up a Flash-based interactive map showing how precincts across the state voted for governor.Closer to...

Continuing Conversation

Longmeadow filmmaker Scott Kittredge’s most recent short film, Terminal Conversation, which was shot on location in Springfield’s former Basketball Hall of Fame, is being screened at the Northamption Independent Film Festival, which opens today and runs...

Smart City Radio just got smarter

The urban planning, design and development Web site Planetizen announced this week that it is partnering with Smart City Radio to produce a monthly audio segment offering up "summary and analysis of the most interesting and intriguing planning-related stories...

Decisions, decisions

Election day yielded some ripple effects for leadership in Massachusetts cities—for example, the pending decision of Worcester Mayor Tim Murray, lieutenant governor-elect, on whether or not to remain in local office; and the decision of Springfield City Councilor...