I hate to give props to any large company, and even less so to an insurance company, and I know I’ve said it here before, but man do I love my Geico caveman.

I was first hooked by the airport commercial: his sensitive (cave)male sensitivity, his disgust. The actor who plays the caveman John Lehr (and his make-up people), assuming he’s not an actual caveman on the moving walkway of an actual airport, does such a great job of looking like a caveman but playing a smart, sensitive guy. The music, the old-school wooden tennis racquet he’s taking on vacation, oddly anachronistic, albeit not so much so as a contemporary caveman himself, just perfect. I guess I also like this ad because it doesn’t pander or condescend – it cries out for customers who think, as compared to, say, my old faves the Milwaukee’s Best Light ads. Another recent ad finds my hero at the therapist’s. Even awfulcommercials.com liked it! There’s a poker player named, I kid you not, Leif Force, who looks a lot like him (Why, because the public needs to know, that’s why!) Here’s the ad that started it all, apparently. Or maybe it’s this one. Wanna know who the actor is? How ’bout the ad agency?

Okay, I think my work here is done. God rest ye merry gentle people, and to all a good night.