Trash fee lawsuit settled

ABC40 reports that a settlement was reached today in the lawsuit against the city regarding the attempted trash fee. From the station: [T]he 2007 trash fee was declared invalid. In fiscal year 2008, which begins on July 1, 2007, Springfield residents will have the...

Justice and the mayoral matrix

An article in today’s Republican by Mike Plaisance would appear to remove four mayoral contenders from the scorecards of those following closely the upcoming mayoral race.Out of the running: Melinda Phelps (focusing on her family), Patrick Sullivan (content in...

The city's own media

A post here a couple of weeks ago about a State Street Alliance meeting brought up some issues about how the city reaches its residents with information. What I’d personally like to see is an effort toward accountability, so that when someone asks, "How was...

Weak city vitals, on gateways and middles

A MassINC- and Brookings Institution-led group of Massachusetts "gateway cities" met privately yesterday in Westborough at the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. The cities involved are spoken for by Holyoke Mayor Michael Sullivan and Fall River Mayor...