Well, dear and gentle readers, because we’ve been deemed unworthy of an RSS feed or index of tags or any other sensible way of searching M.A.I.D., I present to you, once again, the bi-monthly (or is it semi? the every-other-monthly) rehash of M.A.I.D. hits for January and February 2007. I might also add that in addition to what you see below from me, or as an excuse for it or the lack of it thereof, three friends and I have just bought a bar called the Rendezvous (and the building that holds it. Hey, be our Myspace friend!) in my little town of Turners Falls, MA, and the ongoing demo and reno of said establishment have consumed much of my manly and writerly energy. I plan to write about masculinity and bartending and business ownership any day now.

That said, in the first two months of ’07, Dan and I addressed authenticity versus sincerity as posited by Orlando Patterson.

Dan wrote of the Democrats’ efforts to act more like Republicans.

I indexed the Hillary hatin’ I was seeing.

We partook in a healthy discussion about unhealthy food and the way BK hypes it as MANfood.

I wrote about Demetri Martin and Sarah Silverman and the place where funny and hottie intersect.

Dan liked something that I hated but then he pretty much admitted I was like totally right, so we cool.

We wrote about gay former NBA basketballer John Amaechi here and here and here.

Dan added some dude named “Craig Ferguson” to the Mantheon, and begrudged my having added David Sedaris. Can you believe that shit?!?! Readers, holler back!!!

Dan wrote about his sissiness, and then he and Tom flirted while Hayley and somone calling him- or herself "the wife" interjected with insightful commentary.

Dan reviewed Neal Pollack’s Alternadad, and told us about it (the book, and meta-style, the reviewing of the book) and, as a bonus, about David Brooks and Pollack’s war of words.

And finally, for one minor post, I included the above photo of Eva Mendes. In case you missed it that first time, and in admission and assertion of my undeniable American Manhood, I include it again, here, for you!

Once again, thank you all for reading and for posting back at us from time to time.