You may have heard about the emerging scandal of the Bush administration’s firing of U.S. Attorneys for what appear to be, in several cases, clearly political reasons. Wherever an abuse of power is possible, the Bush crew have set out to exploit it– this particular maneuver was cooked up in the renewed Patriot Act.

Anyway. Greg Palast, the fairly prideful if exceptional journalist whose stories have been, to this country’s detriment, relegated to the BBC and never aired here, was privy to some interesting related matters. Seems the fella who was installed as the new U.S. Attorney in Arkansas was earlier employed in such amoral Bushwork it’s breathtaking. He was also not the most pungent patty in the field– he sent the emails about his vote-thwarting efforts to the wrong domain name, delivering them to a Bush critic who promptly gave them to Palast.

It’s exceptionally ugly stuff that the congress needs to bring to light. This is what happens when nobody’s reading over their shoulders. Only this time, someone was. Read and weep.