You know that old interview question about who you’d invite to dinner if you could? I just discovered a new invitee who could change everything at that particular candlelight supper. You might have to invite Winston Churchill just to hear what he’d say to this dude, whose handle is Peter Farley. (Messes with my plan of inviting Marilyn Monroe three times, but in the interest of science, you know.) I am certain that Mr. Farley is a very fine man, and he seems to be engaged in one of those "whole health expo"-like crusades to heal people through some combination of "unblocking "energy and book sales.

But read a little further, like, for instance here, and you’ll find that Mr. Farley, like many other folks brought to you by the wonders of the clanking gears and energy tunnels of the Internet, believes some pretty weird stuff. I mean, a lot of people believe weird stuff. Take the folks, for instance, who pay lots of money to believe we’re each possessed by disembodied aliens brought to earth in a spaceship that looked exactly like an airliner and then blown to smithereens after being dropped in blocks of ice into a volcano. You know who I’m talking about, but since they sue everybody who dares say they lean a little far toward bedlam, I ain’t sayin’ it. But Tom Cruise is big pals with them, anyway. And if you’re thinking maybe it rhymes with El Von Blubbard’s Brianthology, you’d be on the right track.

I love a good conspiracy theory, especially one proven by the most absurd of evidence. And in Mr. Farley’s treatise (on an idea originally cooked up by Zecharia Sitchin) about how we’re in the middle of a galactic war or two involving the winged reptiles who really rule the world, he brings some pretty dandy evidence to the fore.

You see, these reptiles rule us in Matrix-like fashion. Me, I’m enough of a diehard Philip K. Dick enthusiast to know my anamnesis from my Gnostic revelation, so I can get the old noggin around such concepts, maybe even figure we’re in a matrix of perceptions being forced upon us by the overlords of public relations. (And that’s no joke.) But I’m gonna chafe a little when somebody suggests, for instance, that the reprehensible human Jim Jones, who had his followers off themselves with poisoned Kool-Aid in a mass suicide, was really a winged reptile. You see, the article says, many folks close to ol’ Jimmy there saw that behind his wrap-around shades (the reptiles from the planet Nibiru prefer shades) he had all black eyes. Creepy! But the wonders of the Internet come to the rescue. Quick Google search gets you this:

You’d think they’d have seen that one coming. Next up, the real whiz-banger. You see, Farley reports, "Barbara Clow says in one of her books that with politicians of the dark side it is blue suits and red ties, and look at how red ties have become almost ubiquitous around Washington, DC, as well."


I’ve also read in one of the many books by Ethil [sic] Merman that among the giant koala bear people of the far-flung planet Tlon Uqbar, the culturally inept incessantly wear flip-flops. Go on, think about it.