Saturday, May 12th – Birding at Fitzgerald Lake with Andrew McGee
7:30 am meet at the Moose Lodge Entrance to the Fitzgerald Lake
Conservation Area (FLCA). Get out your binoculars but be
verrry quiet! Sponsored by The Broad Brook Coalition (BBC).
Sunday, May 13 (7am)– Warbler Hike with Marcia Merrithew and Harvey Allen
Celebrate Mother Earth as we go in search of migrating warblers
at the Robert’s Hill Conservation Area.
Meet at 7 am at the Dimock Street Trailhead.
Co-Sponsored by the Northampton Wildlife Committee (NWC) and
Valley Land Fund (VLF).
Sunday, May 13th Mother’s Day Wildflowers led by Janet Bissell
Meet at 1 pm at the North Farms Road Entrance to FLCA.
Learn about all those incredible flowers we see only once a year!
Sponsored by The Broad Brook Coalition (BBC).
Friday, May 18th– Accessible Birding with Anne Lombard and Shirley Hammersmith
8:30 am meet at the North Farms Road Entrance to FLCA.
Sponsored by The Broad Brook Coalition (BBC).
To celebrate the state’s Biodiversity Days (http://maps.massgis.state.ma.us/Biodiversity/BiodiversityDays.htm) which are June 2nd through June 10th The Northampton Wildlife Committee and Nonotuck Land Fund have planned:
Sunday June 3rd (9 am) Join John Body and Rosanne Risner on a canoe/kayak
Tour of Burt’s Pit Bog (Brookwood Marsh Conservation Area).
Explore an incredibly diverse ecosystem of wild cranberries and orchids on a floating peat mat. Kayak’s and canoes will be provided. Meet at the top of Ellington, off Brookwood Drive in Florence.
Sunday, June 10th (9 am)– Lisa Osepowicz and Steve Retchin will co-lead a walk into the
Sawmill Hills for a Natural History Hike. We’ll investigate the vernal pools
(the eggs laid in the spring should be tadpoles by now), Porcupine Hill,
and a great overlook. Meet at the Avis Circle Trailhead.
Sunday, June 17th Tree Physiology and Identification with Jay Girard
What makes a tree tick?
1 pm at the North Farms entrance to FLCA
Sponsored by The Broad Brook Coalition (BBC)
Saturday, June 23rd (9am) Hike into Marble Brook Area, Join the Northampton
Wildlife Committee and Nonotuck Land Fund as we explore the wild environs
of the northwest area of the city. This hike parallel’s the winter hike we took in
February. We’ll meet at the junction of Sylvester and Chesterfield Roads.
Friday, July 13th Beavers at Nightfall on Fitzgerald Lake with Gini Traub
7 pm at the North Farms Road Entrance to FLCA
Learn about why the saying goes, “Busy as a Beaver?”
Sponsored by The Broad Brook Coalition (BBC)
Saturday, August 25th, raindate 26th (7am) Kayak and Canoe Tour leaving from Arcadia
Sanctuary’s metal Bridge, paddle up the oxbow, and out onto the river to the
Baye Ponds for some late summer bird watching. You will need to supply your
own kayak or canoe on this one. Co-sponsored by the Northampton Wildlife
Committee and Valley Land Fund.
As always, Mass Audubon at Arcadia has incredible hikes and workshops lined up for the public, including a Spring Wildflower hike, Grassland Bird workshops, A Bog visit, and even a Bee Peeping walk. Take a look: http://www.massaudubon.org/Nature_Connection/Sanctuaries/Arcadia/catalog.php
As always, please consider joining the co-sponsoring organization and/or volunteer to help. They’re great people and would love to put your energy, skills, and passion to further conservation:
Broad Brook Coalition: http://www.broadbrookcoalition.org
Nonotuck Land Fund:
Contact Joanne Montgomery at 586-6083 or Steve Ferarri at 586-2236Northampton Wildlife Committee:
Contact John Body at 584-4781 or Marcia Merrithew at 584-8874Valley Land Fund: http://www.valleylandfund.org/
And don’t forget Mass Audubon’s Arcadia Sanctuary at 584-3009
Enjoy the great outings with wonderful people!
John Body