Volunteers with the Springfield Preservation Trust recently met up at 52 Westminster Street for a cleanup, in tandem with the city putting the property up for bid. Resident and SPT board member/treasurer Michael Marcinkewich documented the visit and provided the following photos.

“I have lived on Pineywoods Avenue in Springfield’s Forest Park Heights for three and a half years with my partner of eight years,” Marcinkewich writes. “We moved here from Boston. It is housing stock like this that brought us here. When folks started buying 560 square-foot studios for $260K, we thought there had to be a better way. [After] a one-year search that had us looking in Rhode Island, New Hampshire and all around 495/128 of Boston, we landed in a city we both have come to love. After a two-year job search, I was hired as a financial analyst for the city of Springfield.” Marcinkewich says that his partner continues to commute to Boston five days a week for restaurant work.

To view all the photos, go here.