Joseph Krupczynski Letter to Central Business Architecture Review Committee.pdf
Mill River Phase II report.pdf
RoundHouse request for proposals.pdf
RoundHouse re-use boundary survey.pdf
RoundHouse re-use topographic survey.pdf
Below are the most recent images as uploaded to the Northampton web site.
Please don’t forget the public forum scheduled for Wednesday, June 27, from 7-9 PM at the Unitarian Church, 220 Main Street, Northampton, regarding the Hilton Garden Inn at the Round House proposal. Included on the panel are Joanne Campbell-Executive Director Valley Community Development Corporation, Mary Chapin-resident New South Street apartments, Wayne Feiden-Planning Director city of Northampton, Tris Metcalfe-AIA, architect and downtown business owner, Shardool Parmar-president Pioneer Valley Hotel Group and Suzanne Beck-Executive Director Northampton Chamber of Commerce.
The following afternoon on June 28 the Northampton Housing Partnership takes up the issue at 5:30 PM in the Human Resources Conference Room on the second floor of Memorial Hall at 240 Main Street.