Which comes first, the site plan approval or the special permit? Besides already signing a contract with the Pioneer Valley Hotel Group, the city has also granted a special permit for the Hilton Garden Inn. However, a Paradise City Forum contributor pointed out that according to Northampton’s city code, Chapter 350 section 11.3,

"No building permit, zoning permit, or special permit shall be issued for the following major projects prior to the review and approval of a site plan in accordance with this section.

A. Projects which involve new construction or additions of 5,000 square feet or more of gross floor area.
B. Commercial parking lots and parking garages, including municipal garages.
C. Except for the CBD, establishments selling foods prepared on premises where consumption is primarily off the premises and retail establishments selling principally convenience goods.
D. Automobile service stations.
E. Projects for which this chapter requires 10 or more additional parking spaces over the zoning requirements for the previous use.
F. Rural residential incentive development projects.

Planned business park projects."

According to Section 11.6 of the same chapter in part, in conducting the site plan approval the planning board shall find that the following conditions are met:

"A. The requested use protects adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses. If applicable, this shall include provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers and preservation of views, light, and air; and"