Watching the demise of this sad excuse for a leader is finally providing some entertainment, and at least that’s something. Having returned from a nice long weekend, I was pleased to see that Bush continues to plunge yet lower in approval numbers. This has prompted fairly random musings, so kindly bear with me. Or if it’s as hot where you are as it is here, bare with me. Bad joke, but heat does that, eh?

Anyway. Most bad presidents offer, if nothing else, comic relief. I have personally been quite exhausted with Bush, because he’s so deeply dangerous and unpleasant that I haven’t been able to laugh about him since maybe 2002. It took Will Ferrell to make Bush appear pleasant enough to laugh at. Never have so many been so doomed by the incompetence of the one stubborn yahoo.

I’m reminded more and more of what was said of the soldiers of World War I: They were "lions led by donkeys." No mere animal could describe these neocons, so of our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, we’d have to say "lions led by vampiric CEOs."

Impeachment is long overdue, but at least we can take solace in that spectacular date 1.20.09. Of course, in the meantime, we have one terrifying thing to watch out for (since heaven knows the Bushies aren’t, considering the massive lack of hiring to fill gaps at Homeland Security). It seems fairly certain that a repeat event like that of the terrible fall of 2001 would provide sufficient cover for Bush and his cronies to get away with all the power-grabbing they are clearly chomping at the bit to accomplish in their remaining time. And here, news reports reveal that our system is currently flashing with dire warnings of a "terrorist spectacular." (Who knows if it’s real, or the latest attempt at making us unreasonably afraid.) For the love of heaven, please let’s not have to go through the consequences of that in terms of loss of life or gains in executive power. Our fragile republic can’t handle that.

This is a tenuous time, with more than a year and a half of dangerous opportunity for the neocons to consolidate their ridiculous plans for an American dictatorship. Prayer is in order, not to mention none-too-subtle calls for impeachment for a long list of things, including the Scooter Libby obstruction of justice commutation. Not just hyperbole, that–it seems likely that Bush commuted Scooter’s time to avoid his pointing any fingers at the White House.

But at least Bush has been so reduced as to appear to even many Republicans as the sad, small-minded nasty child he is.