I respect the senatorial roasting of Gonzalez, but it’s exasperating, the dimness of our senators sometimes. Today Specter has discovered the following about Justices Alito and Roberts:

Specter, the ranking Republican on the Judiciary Committee, who served as chairman during the hearings, said he wants to examine whether Roberts and Alito have "lived up" to their assurances that they would respect legal precedents.

Judicial independence is "so important," Specter said, but an examination could help with future nominations. "I have done a lot of analyzing and have come to the conclusion that these nominees answer just as many questions as they have to."

Senate Majority Whip Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.), a Judiciary Committee member who voted against both nominees, said a review "could lead us to have a different approach." He said senators need to be "more probing" with their questioning of nominees. … "They are off to a very disturbing start, these two new justices. I am afraid before long they will call into question some of the most established laws and precedents in our nation."

Are they this bleeding stupid?? Conservatives outside of Congress knew and cheered the expected right turn of the court, and we on the left were terrified of it. Do these people really expect us to believe they’re just now coming to the conclusion that Alito and Roberts stonewalled and misled, and that they really intended to make the Bushification of everything complete?

What’s next? Will they discover that elevators go up and down?

I guess it’s better than nothing to understand, just as your ship is coming to rest on the ocean floor, that holes in boats let in water.