It seems to induce only yawns or indifference, but the Bush family has some substantial skeletons in the closet. The latest chapter revealed in the Bush saga has to do with George W’s grandfather Prescott Bush, already implicated in trading with the enemy during World War II, a fact seldom reported in American newspapers. One example, from the Jan. 8, 2004 Glasgow Herald: “…while American soldiers were fighting the Nazis, a few of the companies Prescott managed were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act because they were fronts for Nazi industrialist Fritz Thyssen, a financier of Hitler’s Third Reich.”

The BBC recently revealed that Prescott Bush was also allegedly part of a plot to overthrow Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930s and install new leadership more sympathetic to Hitler and Mussolini. The plot was revealed to Congress by General Smedley Butler, author of the work War Is A Racket, in which he decried having been the tool of American capitalism and empire-building. Butler had been approached by a group of wealthy idustrialists who wanted him to lead a march on Washington and take over. The left-leaning ideals of FDR weren’t sufficiently friendly to their plans.

There must be something in the water in Kennebunkport that leads to extra-constitutional desires.