Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and the city of Northampton have been in the news recently as Northampton moves ahead with plans to expand its regional landfill over the Barnes Aquifer, a potential water supply of four communities. At the same time Northampton is constructing a $26 million plus water filtration plant in Haydenville in order to filter water for its residents.

In Montague the Nestle corporation is snooping about, expressing an interest in tapping the water for a potential bottling operation. Is bottled water all it’s made out to be? Not necessarily, read on:

Break the Bottle Habit: Water Filters are Better for Your Health, Your Wallet and the Planet

Recent revelations that many bottled waters are nothing more than plain tap water underscore the fact that water filters are a smart choice for pure, contaminant-free, economical water.

South Daytona, FL (PRWEB) August 26, 2007 — A recent study commissioned by the World Wildlife Fund found that many brands of bottled water marketed their products as being healthier than tap water. However, revelations that many of the designer water brands coveted by millions worldwide are, in actuality, nothing more than tap water have shaken the bottled water industry to its core. At the heart of this shake-up is the question: Which is really better, bottled water or water filters?

Approximately one out of five people drink only bottled water and two out of five drink only filtered water. Both of these groups state concerns about the safety of public water supplies as the compelling reason for their water choices. And with good reason.

According to the Ralph Nader Research Group, following an exhaustive search through thousands of pages of Environmental Protection Agency documents, more than 2,100 toxic chemicals have been found to currently exist in our nation’s public water supplies. These chemicals include chloride, which was used in World War II as a highly effective form of chemical warfare. Other toxins detected include poisonous elements such as lead and arsenic, as well as a number of potential carcinogens.

With bottled water giants, including Aquafina, admitting that their "pure" water is actually nothing more than tap water, it stands to reason that these carcinogens are also found in many brands of bottled water. Dr. Gina Solomon, a senior scientist at the Natural Resources Defense Council, was quoted by The New York Times as stating, "There is no reason to believe that bottled water is safer than tap water." It is no wonder that millions of consumers are scrambling to find more reliable sources of pure, clean water.

As this mountain of evidence continues to accumulate, it has become increasingly clear that water filtration stands alone as the most effective way to ensure that the water we drink is free of contaminants and harmful bacteria. For example, studies show that Aquasana water filters are capable of producing chemical-free water even at levels of contamination ten to fifteen times legal limits.

Aquasana, one of the nation’s top water filter providers, is leading a wave of consumer education regarding the importance of good water and how it dramatically impacts the nation’s health.

But how does the cost of a water filter compare to that of bottled water? Consider the fact that most bottled water costs around $1.50 for a 16-ounce bottle. If one drinks the recommended eight 16-ounce servings every day, seven days a week, that adds up to $84 per week or around $365 per month. Compare that recurring expense to the purchase of a water filter at an average price of just $99 for an Aquasana countertop water filter, and it is clear that filtering your home’s water supply is a much more economical choice.

But water quality and price are not the only important factors when considering bottled water versus water filters.

Our planet’s fragile eco-system is being increasingly polluted with non-biodegradable refuse. More than 60 million plastic water bottles are thrown away every day in the United States. This presents an ecological disaster in the making, as it takes up to 1,000 years for these disposable water bottles to decompose.

Also at stake is the world’s dwindling oil supply. In 2006, over 50 billion plastic water bottles were purchased in the United States alone. The one and a half million barrels of oil required to produce those 50 billion plastic bottles could fuel at least 100,000 vehicles for a full year.

Josh Dorfman, author of The Lazy Environmentalist: Your Guide to Easy, Stylish, Green Living, states that "refilling our own personal water bottle with filtered water from the tap requires far less energy and wastes almost no resources relative to bottled water — an easy thing to accomplish with potentially big results."

About Aquasana U.S.A.
Unlike like other water filtration products, Aquasana products are not designed to simply meet minimum government or industry standards that allow trace levels of toxic chemicals in tap water and bottled water. Science has proven that there are no safe levels for toxic synthetic chemicals in drinking water.

While it is permitted and accepted that bottled water and tap water commonly contain traces of many unhealthy contaminants, Aquasana products are designed to produce truly healthy, chemical-free water.

With over 15 years in the water filtration industry, 17 patents and nearly ten million products sold, Aquasana is the number one rated home water filtration system in America.

For more information, contact:
Ron Stanley
(386) 760-0990