Having moved along a good few dogies, Ten Gallon is back under the wide brim. (I always think it adds to one’s mystique to employ the third person needlessly.) But now that I think about it, maybe I’ve just hit upon the economic recovery solution we’ve been needing.

What if everyone employed the third person all the time? Then for every two people working, there’d be three. That’s a 50 percent increase in total employment! Heck, I could use some help around here with the avalanche warning zone near my desk. Let me try that again–Ten Gallon could use some help around here. See how easy that is? I just boosted the economy, gauchos!

Try it, won’t you? Here are a few sentences you can use to employ the third person. Just change the pronouns:

1) I like to golf in rainstorms.

2) I always vote for the best interests of The Party.

3) Yesterday it did not seem as if today it would be raining.*

*You can’t really do it with this one, I know, but it’s my favorite Edward Gorey sentence.