NCTV Northampton Community Television
380 Elm Street, Northampton, MA

We would like to introduce ourselves to you, and we would like to invite you to our open house on Saturday, November 3, 2007.
Northampton Community Television is a non-profit organization comprised of Northampton residents, formed, to provide a system and a venue for community members to produce their own television programming, to cablecast existing television programming of local interest, and to have Comcast channels 15 and 12 designated for viewing these community television programs. The Mayor and Northampton’s Cable Advisory Board negotiated with Comcast to include all these services in the City’s current ten year contract with our cable provider.
What does this mean for you, for your business, for your non-profit organization, for your arts group?
It means that:
- Commercial media will no longer be your only viewing option. Community Access Television puts the power of the media in the hands of the community.
- You can learn to produce TV programs on topics of interest to you and your neighbors.
- An experienced producer (some from Northampton High School’s Video Program) can help you showcase the work of your non-profit, arts, dance, music or other organization on our “home town channel” Channel 15
- Your business can underwrite a television program or a television series, and be recognized for helping to make locally produced programming possible.
- You can volunteer at NCTV, in a variety of ways, to assist in bringing locally produced programming to Northampton’s viewing audience.
Now for the invitation! At NCTV’s open house on November 3rd, from 1-4 pm, our guest speakers will be:
- Sut Jhally of the Media Education Foundation,
- Documentary filmmaker, Larry Hott of Florentine Films
- Stevie Converse, Communications Coordinator of the media watchdog group, Free Press.
And, if you take us up on our invitation to our open house, you will become part of a studio TV production!
Our three presenters will speak, and show slides and film clips to a live audience (you!) while being videotaped for cablecast with NCTV’s studio cameras. As an audience member, you may be on camera, and you will have a chance to see how TV studio production is done. Or you might choose to be in the control room, watching how the show is put together “behind the scenes.”
You will also be able to discover the facilities, equipment and training resources that are now available to you, an NCTV community member.
So please join us at our 380 Elm Street studio (at the rear of the high school) from 1-4 pm on November 3rd. Learn from our speakers how we all can take some control over the media that otherwise seems to “wash over us.” Participate in producing a live studio show. And enjoy refreshments and good company as you and your neighbors gather to celebrate this new resource for Northampton community access television.
Al Williams, Executive Director, NCTV
& NCTV Board members: Bill Dwight Chip Adams Pam Hunter Clodagh Kosior Jane Madden