I have no idea what those have in common, but I’m writing about Flywheel, and those other words just showed up. Flywheel has never been my favorite place in terms of its sound or its size, but it’s certainly my favorite venue in the Valley (besides whichever one I’m currently trying to get people to go to for my own show, but still…) for all the other reasons. The DIY show is a beautiful concept, and having an arts collective is too.

Should be interesting to see what happens with Flywheel’s new space, the old town hall in the center of Easthampton. The effort to get Flywheel back up and running has been a daunting one, it seems, but what could be a worthier cause than getting the Valley’s best collective-run venue whipped into shape?

If you’ve got thoughts on Flywheel, I’d love to hear them here as my story progresses.

And in other news

Chocolate was a byproduct of cacao bean beer, discarded for, apparently, centuries before somebody decided to drink that part, too.

Ah, the brave culinary adventurers of yesteryear, those who risked diarhhea and wonky stomachs to find the stuff that hits the spot! Long may they be remembered, especially halfway through a Lindt bar with hazelnuts.