Jeff took these pictures recently and agreed to share them with Redoubt readers. Thanks Jeff.

The Pleasant Street Theater block

Welcome to the Pleasant Street Theater

The Main Entrance

The Concession stand

The lobby arch

Empty movie poster cases

Little Theater entrance

Down the stairs to the Little Theater

Facing rear in the Little Theater

Facing the Little Theater’s screen

The stairwell coming up from the Little Theater

The Upstairs Theater

Facing rear in the Upstairs Theater

Facing up the projection booth ladder

Facing down the projection booth ladder. Note the film to the left that travels from the booth, down to the Little Theater, and back again.

Five platter system that feeds film to both projectors. An intricate system of rollers feeds about ten feet of film to the downstairs projector. Platter systems are what most theaters use.

The film is "built up" horizontally onto one platter. At show time the projectionist takes the film from the "pay out" platter, threads it through the projector and then back onto a "take-up" platter. No need for change overs.

Vintage 1942 Brenkert Projector with new lens

Upstairs projector and sound system

A farewell note (you’ll need magnifying glasses though!)