Abortion Semantics

I'm writing in response to Tim Grant’s letter, “Pro-Life Not Just Stylish” (Jan. 10, 2008). First, I’m forever amused by the way those who like to label themselves conservative cling to certain simplistic mantras like flies to feces, while at the same time offering “opinions” which I can only interpret as self-parody. A case in point is Tim’s assertion that “Lefties shudder when a convicted killer is executed, but murdering unborn children is what makes a liberal proud to be a liberal.”

In the great semantic war, anti-abortion factions won a huge battle long ago by becoming “pro-life.” Yet the euphemism rings hollow to me, given how absolutely rigid, narrow, and reactionary many of these same people are. I do, however, know that Tim and I are very similar in one regard—we both have one x and one y chromosome, which in my version of the ideal world would render both our opinions secondary in the abortion debate. Yet I also know, naive as I am, that in real life it’s critical to have someone like George Bush monitoring these female upstarts. Otherwise, I’m sure, every last one of them would be having an abortion just for the fun of it. As you obviously know, Tim, “liberals think abortion is way cool.”

Kevin J. Smith
Turners Falls


Sitcha One of Many

As a friend and supporter of Richard Sitcha, I appreciated Maureen Turner’s update on his dire circumstances (“Losing Hope,” Jan. 10, 2008), but it is important to note that while this harmless, warm, caring human being has endured 52 months in American prisons, he is only one of many, many thousands being held, abused, sometimes drugged, and deported under the fundamentally racist and ideologically fascist policies introduced by the Cheney/Bush regime. We need to be wary of yet another coup engineered by this pair and their corrupt gang and energize the effort for impeachment of both of them. Sitcha came here believing what in our lifetimes has become a myth—that America is a place of safety, law, compassion and possibility. Sitcha has learned that, as is well known in other places, evil men can rise to rule in any country.

Carl Doerner
Sitcha Defense Committee


Bis: Bronx Cheer

Alan Bisbort’s diatribe (“Rogue Party,“ Jan. 3, 2008) is another example, as if we need one, of the fact that he is guilty of the very sin he professes to loathe, i.e. demonizing those who have a different political philosophy. Polarization and vulgarity are his stock in trade, apparently without limit (“evacuated Rove from our own bowels,” etc.) I wonder if the Advocate will continue to publish such tasteless drivel?

Stu Reed
via email