If you could tell 100 residents of Northampton one thing, what would it be?

Monday January 21, 4pm, Florence Civic Center
Park St. Florence (near the Lilly Library)

Doors open at 4pm, when people can come in and help themselves to food,
sit down and talk. After about 30-45 minutes the moderator of the
forum will speak briefly to give instructions for the event, its
purpose and general hopes for the conduct of the forum

Then people will be organized into small groups where they will
get the opportunity to introduce themselves and speak their minds.
The common theme of the evening will be life in Northampton, but you
are welcome to bring up your own topic of discussion

Some questions to discuss could be

1)How realistic is community participation with work Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
plus life?
2)Are we really a diverse and open community?
3)Reactions to the Sustainable Northampton Plan (WHAT is a reaction)
4)Accessibility of our local government (do you know who does what in
our city?)
5)Does everyone know what local services are available in the area?

Finally keep the following in mind;

People will be expected to mediate themselves, give everyone an
opportunity to speak and be heard, be aware of how much time you are

Do not engage in direct or personal attacks on specific people. If
you disagree with a person try to make the effort to understand why a
person has a specific thought or idea, this is not a debate or

Above all this is a friendly event, if nothing else comes of this I
hope at least that this will be an opportunity for people to meet your
fellow city residents.

The last part of the event will be open for anyone in the audience to
address the audience as a whole for 2 to 3 minutes. An email address
will be provided at the end for all participants to forward additional

Encourage others to come to the event and if you have any questions
about this event call Jesus Leyva at 413-230-7747, or email your
questions to Onomonanime@aim.com

Thank You

Additional information

The event is being sponsored and organized by the Pioneer Valley
Guildhouse (an unofficial unincorporated group). Some organizational
advice has been provided from various non-profits, and local community
organizers. The following is a list of the constituents of the
Pioneer Valley Guildhouse; Jesus Leyva (Northampton resident), Kenny
Jean-Babets (Amherst resident), Rafi Kurts (Amherst resident)