Amherst Regional Jazz Workshop

Tommy Benfey, Nick Adolph, Nicholas Reyes, and Sarah Horowitz

8th Grade Art
I have a dream…

Martin Luther King, Jr. Citizen’s Award recipient Michael Bardsley with State Representative Ellen Story

Dr. Thomas W. Cole, Jr., Interim Chancellor University of Massachusetts, Amherst with Rev. Kent Higgins

breakfast volunteers


Jazz Workshop

After breakfast we moved to the auditorium

Dr. Cole awaits
Dr. Cole speaks, "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day should be referred to as a day ‘on’ not a day ‘off.’"
Bardsley accepts Citizen’s Award as nominated unanimously by his peers, "We are standing on the shoulders of those who worked before us."
Dr. Cole shares a light moment
Richmond Ampiah-Bonney extends a hand
Dr. Ruth Bass Green on the piano
Bardsley humbled by award
MLK Jr. Commemorative Breakfast founder Mary Pittman Wyatt. Wyatt recalled her experiences with the KKK and segregated water coolers.
after the award ceremony
Vocalist Imani Stevens with her mom Penni