Okay, so I’ve been forced to watch this ad about a zillion times during sports events lately. Thing is, while it’s not funny to me any more, it still doesn’t bother me almost as much as the guys-being-crushed-by-giant-beercans-for-not-being-macho ads do always bug me, and in fact I’m somewhat tickled every time by this one when I imagine those men’s advocacy guys (esp. ones with race issues) sitting at home on their couches stewing about how men, esp. white, couch-potato-shaped men are portrayed in commercials.

(I refer here to Dan’s post about the objections by a men’s advocate to a Pizza Hut commercial that makes dad look goofy and incompetent, but we still haven’t been given an index for me to quickly find that post to link to it for you and I just don’t have time to go look for it right now. Sorry, dear readers.)

I guess when it comes right down to it, such ads are arguably unfair to men, but I think that men have a long, long time to wait before they (we) start complaining about being portrayed as lazy and/or not-so-bright, objectified and held to unreasonable standards of beauty. As men have said to women from time immemorial, "C’mon honey, relax, it’s just a joke."