Almost seven years ago, Richard Jozan Treston (whose work is pictured), like many, was rattled by the events of September 11, 2001, and decided to respond—with art. He rallied many Amherst area artists in the hope of responding to the event with creativity, and effectively established a therapeutic refuge in the Amherst Art Alliance. From that group, the cooperative Gallery A3 was spawned, offering a welcoming space for both established and emerging artists creating contemporary fine art. On Feb. 21, Treston, along with Guru Karam Khalsa, a member of the Alliance for the past five years, hosts conversations about their current show, Honoring Mother Earth. The artists’ paintings and mixed-media works attempt to connect with the spirit of the planet and its inhabitants.

Forum: Feb. 21, 7:30 p.m.; Honoring Mother Earth: Through March 1,
Gallery A3, 28 Amity St., Amherst, (413) 256-4250.