Between watching Robert Jensen and Jackson Katz videos (do I need to insert "while beating myself into a frenzy again and again" or is that a given?) I happened upon a refreshing voice. I have a feeling I’m going to get some greif on this one. I’m not sure how I feel about this video, this young woman, Kicesie, about how I feel about how I feel about it/her or about bringing it to this forum. BUT I do know that she further illustrates my point that Katz, Jensen, and so many other well-intentioned humorless drones could well learn about catching flies with honey. It’s not just that she’s (arguably) charming and attractive, she also isn’t pedantic, and could actually communicate with the most resistant of those in Jensen & Katz’s target audiences. I’ve yet to find her responses to the questions she poses, but I’m gonna keep looking.