At our most base, isn’t this what we all want (men, women, gay straight, MRA-ers, NRA-ers, NOWers & Laters) in one form or another? I’ve thought about this comic a ridiculous amount since it ran.

(I’ll wait to write more in response to any responses because it’s 1:30 AM and I’m very very tired.)

* * *

R.I.P. Gabriel Mason
A very young, very enlightened and enlightening man whom I had the pleasure and honor to know, he died suddenly, accidentally, ridiculously, just about 24 hours ago. Don’t know why I’m mentioning it here, maybe just so a few more people remember Gabe, even as just a name, for a second or two. Sentimental crap, but there you go. When I was in college, my dear friend Doug used to try to ease my rage at everyone I thought I had such good reason to despise by saying, "They’re all going to die, Jamie, they’re all going to die." In the end, Bill Gates and you and Erykah Badu and a brilliant, beautiful 24-year-old kid going to community college and working in a restaurant, same diff, they’re all going to die. Come to think of it though, when Doug was feeling slightly less sardonic, he’d respond to my venom for the world with "Oh, Jamie. let them live."