Fact Check

Thank you for attempting to review my new album [Asking For Flowers, CD Shorts, March 27, 2008]. I wanted to help you with some fact checking.

I haven't "taken to wearing makeup." I wore it the first time I played the Iron Horse and I wear it still. I don't own any turtlenecks, although I'm still trying to locate the musical insult in suggesting I do. I have never had a bottle of beer at my feet when I play on stage. Beer makes me burp, which is counterproductive when you've driven eight hours to sing for people. You misspelled Emmylou Harris' name, which, frankly, is unforgivable.

I welcome a scathing music review any day; they're much better when they talk about music. Sadly, yours was sexist and poorly researched.

Kathleen Edwards

via fax


White Space

Holy mackerel! I usually read the Advocate online but not long ago picked up a hard copy to read over lunch. Your otherwise excellent article about Susan Strempek Shea ["Welcome in This Place," March 27, 2008] was preceded by two full pages of practically nothing!—about 120 words of text and one good photo, all of which could have fit on one page with room to spare. If you're really in need of copy, I know quite a few people with some good stories for you. But really… how many trees to create all that white space?

Michaelann Bewsee


Dems Melt Down

"When and if Hillary Clinton finds a backroom way to pry the nomination loose from Barack Obama's hands, there will be hell to pay," said Alan Bisbort ("The Democrats' Dilemma," March 13, 2008). I completely agree, which is why I want Hillary to win the nomination. If she does, Democrats will go berserk, Hillary will fall flat on her face, and John McCain will be elected president.

Hillary will do whatever it takes to be commander-in-chief, and since she's a racist, I'm sure we'll be seeing more pictures of Obama in a turban. Now Barack Hussein Obama is making headlines because his pastor is an America-hating racist (blacks shouldn't sing "God Bless America," said Rev. Jeremiah Wright, but "God damn America.") Of course, Obama is shocked that his pastor says such hateful things. After all, he's only known the guy for 20 years! Yes, the Democrat Party is having yet another meltdown, and Americans are seeing liberals for who they really are: racists and haters of America. As a result, Clinton and Obama are now trailing John McCain. And I just couldn't be happier.

Tim Grant
