For questions, please contact City Councilor J.P. Kwiecinski:
Home/Office (413) 527-0010
Cell (413) 575-6009 JP@realtor.com
Or jpcouncilor@verizon.net
On April 16th 2008 – Easthampton, Massachusetts – Dr. Robert Newton a representative of the Barnes Aquifer Advisory Protection Committee (BAPAC) will be presenting information regarding the proposed Northampton Landfill Expansion to the Easthampton City Council.
The BAPAC representative will be talking about the impact of the proposed precedent setting expansion onto the Barnes Aquifer. The Easthampton City Council meeting is at 6:00 p.m. in the Music Room, White Brook Middle School, 200 Park Street, Easthampton, MA 01027.
Thank you,
Citizens United for a Healthy Future
Save the Aquifer
Protect our Water
Stop the Northampton Landfill Expansion
Garbage Time by Daryl LaFleur