Third Place
Just a note to express my thanks to all of those who cast a vote for Northampton Redoubt in the recent Valley Advocate "Best Of" Reader’s poll. We showed third overall, first in Hampshire County, as the independent Springfield Intruder was voted #1 and Kim’s Baby Blog, also based in Springfield, placed second. For the record I cast my vote for an independent blog that finished outside of the top three.
Based in a much smaller market, I was a bit shocked at the honor when considering my brief tenure and the breadth of web logs available in the valley, some of which are listed under my links section to the lower right or included on the VA’s main page. I enjoy surfing through them from time to time, and reading what others are focused on while viewing their pictures. Most of the web log correspondents work on their own dime with little editorial assistance. I suppose blogging for the entity conducting the poll and the fact that you had to vote online at the VA site gives Redoubt a considerable advantage, but nonetheless, it is humbling to know that many folks appreciate the going’s on here for whatever they’re worth.
Perhaps in the future the VA brain trust will consider adding categories for blogs as is done with restaurants. There could be categories for best local social blog, political blog, cultural blog, community blog, sports blog, comedy blog, independent blog, county blog, town blog, city blog, nonprofit blog, etc. Certainly there are many of them out there.
I’ve often thought that there should be categories for best local community forum as well as best local activists, including people who work on behalf of the homeless, domestic violence victims, political transparency, and the like. There could also be a category for best muck-raking journalist too. I suppose it could go on and on, and I understand considerable effort by VA staffers goes in to preparing the Best Of edition each year, and that it’s widely read. That’s no small feat for a free weekly alternative with a circulation of more than 50,000 in the mostly rural Pioneer Valley!
Suffice it to say that this could be the proverbial, "high water mark," for Northampton Redoubt, but it is what it is.
Thanks again,