Few have done as much to dismantle our Constitution and to transform the executive into a near-dictatorship as the contemptuous Bush minions David Addington and John Yoo. Addington has tirelessly worked to shore up the notion that the president can do as he bloody well pleases despite complications like, say, illegality. Yoo is a chief twister of our laws to justify torture.

The extent of the hubris on display when these two scrabbling locusts were dragged into the light of a congressional hearing is astounding. All Louis XIV had on these two was a powdered wig. The dripping disdain with which they treated the lawmakers could only have come from people who have every assurance they will never suffer from their crimes. (If they were to come anywhere close, ol’ Bushie would just commute their sentences, as he did with Scooter Libby.) Addington reportedly even took ample time to finish writing himself a note before he bothered looking at, let alone answering, one of his congressional questioners. What answers he did give were vintage Bush administration two-step: deny everything, act like words don’t have meanings, and my favorite–Addington refused to answer at one point because al Qaeda might be watching.

Every time I hear someone express support for Bush for some vague reason, I think of this kind of petulance. If only the 3 or 4 remaining Bush supporters saw such a display, I’m convinced even they would have a little bit of voter’s remorse. But then again, it’s probably hard to muster up enough working synapses to ponder such things when you’re sitting at your computer in your Y-fronts sharpening up to call Obama "Kerry with a tan." (That from Grover Norquist, who also said the mentality that calls for an estate tax for the rich is the same as the mentality that brought about the Holocaust. But then again, Norquist is just Salacious Crumb with a beard. See below.)

May justice someday catch up with these pusillanimous cephalopods.

(But not Salacious Crumb. He gets a pass.)