Glenn Greenwald nails our current death spiral, and the utter helplessness of electing people to represent you who promptly sell your rights down the river:

"…this highlights the central political dilemma in the U.S. The Bush-led Republican Party, marching in virtual lockstep, has been the author of the radicalism, extremism and lawlessness of the last seven years, presiding over an endlessly expanding Surveillance State and accompanying war-making machine, and the dismantling of numerous core Constitutional principles. While numerous individual elected Democrats have opposed many of these measures, the Democratic Party’s leadership, and the Party collectively, has done nothing to stop it and much to support and enable all of it."

And also:

"As the above-chronicled events demonstrate, all of these assaults on our core civil liberties and the rule of law are not Republican attacks with Democrats fighting against them. They are attacks launched by the political establishment against the citizenry, and they ought to be responded to as such. That’s the core premise of the Accountability Now/Strange Bedfellows campaign we’ve launched–that these battles have to be waged by an ideologically diverse group of citizens devoted to a defense of the Constitution and the rule of law against a political establishment which has proven it is hostile to those values."

We’re going to have to figure this one out soon or wake up to the fresh air of a permanent surveillance state, no matter who’s in charge. Personally, I don’t want even Obama to have that kind of power, thank you very much.

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