Between the Lines: Playing Dumb

"Elections are the way we have conversations about the direction the city is going in," Northampton Mayor Clare Higgins explained during her June 12 appearance on WHMP's The Bill Dwight Show.She was announcing the launch of her reelection campaign and...

Same Old Story

Holly Richardson is keeping a close, if skeptical eye, on Springfield's new citizens police review board. As a member of the peace and anti-violence committee at the activist group Arise for Social Justice, Richardson works with her colleagues to find new ways of...

What do you think?

Seven Billion Suckers There has been a lot of talk lately about the so-called "law of supply and demand" and oil prices. There was an article in the Advocate recently, in fact ("Oil: The Fear Factor," July 24). There is, however, no such thing as a...

Worth the Wait?

Eight months into his first—and, unless things take a dramatic turn, perhaps only—term as Springfield's mayor, Domenic Sarno seems to have retreated to his City Hall bunker. As the list of crucial matters left unattended by his administration steadily...

Imperium Watch: Harm's Way, You Say?

In the Bush administration's early years, every news broadcast seemed to end with the ominous statement that Vice President Cheney had been "moved to an undisclosed location." What was the point of those spooky announcements? Was it to remind us that we...