Okay so I just gave money – $100 I really don’t have – to a political candidate, for the first time ever after watching last week’s Republican Convention. I don’t even like my candidate that much any more, since he’s started talking in soundbytes and hokey jargon, since they started to script his every word, but then again, unlike when Obama was running against Hilary – and this is part of what this rant is about – Im just not the target audience any more, and thats okay, my vote and the votes of people like me are pretty much a given, so long as we bother to go out and cast them.

But I digress. The latest McCain flat-out lie is an ad that claims Barack is in favor of sex education for kindergarteners, or something like that.

I suppose when your only other slogan is "Drill baby, drill!" (McCain is on the news saying that every day since last week.), you’re getting desperate, but what these people are stooping to is beyond . . . beyond anything I’ve ever seen. This is a campaign that flat-out, shamelessly is trying to steal the slogan change, that avoids using the word Republican whenever it can, let alone the word Bush or George. Maybe they should rename themselves the Incumbent Party for Radical Change!

This is a candidate of the party of the oil companies and the rich, as ever pretending to be for the common man. The conservative "family values" party that put a working mother of an infant with a pregnant unwed 17-year-old daughter on the ticket. The anti-choice party that’s stealthily claiming to be pro-feminist. The party that shamelessly panders to women’s fears and hopes with their choice of Sarah Palin. Shameless is the perfect word for them, while the left is just so goddamn full of shame and has just got to let it go, right now.

They lie so much that no one pays attention, akin to Reagan’s innumberable faux pas, which by their very number stopped being news individually. They paint that same media, that’s so soft on them, as liberal, and it works – CNN has moved so far right that prime time is now held by reactionary scumbag Glenn Beck. MSNBC, admittedly left of center (although they do represent the other side with the likes of Pat Buchanan) has just backed down to the forces of the GOP, taking Keith Olbermann off the anchor spot for election coverage. Meanwhile Fox continues, unfettered, to pour out pure propaganda – why, because Fox simply doesn’t lose any ad revenue by staying dishonest and reactionary, and it’s all market driven, that’s what freedom is all about, right?

They (and call me a conspiracy theorist, but there is a they who control this country, who want to keep as many people uneducated and ignorant as possible because those people are the ones on whom the lies work) lie and lie and lie; they have no consciences; the ends justify any means (including allowing an event like 911 to happen? Conceivably, yes, I’ve begun to believe such things are within bounds for the Roves and Chaney’s of this world).

Last night I rewatched one of my favorite movies, the (original) Manchurian candidate – what the Republican party is willing to stoop to makes the movies fantastic scenario seem almost mundane now. But we have to win, we really do, and yes, I’m assuming that most readers of this blog, most Valley Advocate readers too, are among the we.

So please, if you agree with me, more or less, correct me and illuminate any issues I’ve ranted above, give me more links, SEND THIS PERFECT PHOTO ABOVE to everyone you can think of, especially non-converts who hate Bush. (I intend to write to my ridiculously large contact list and would love a little more substance than I have here.). Show them what a hypocrite McCain and his party are in terms they’ll understand – clear, simple, emotional terms.

Writing to my list will also be pretty much preaching to the converted, but I want people to give money, give time, give ANYTHING to prevent John McCain from becoming president and from Sarah Palin from following him. She is perhaps the scariest possibility of all, in that her smiling face, with VP Huckabee, could very well lead the US into full-on isolationist, fundamentalist Christian statehood. I’m also not beyond believing that McCain may well be ill and they’re keeping it from us – he hasn’t looked so good lately.

An uneducated populus is a dream come true for these people and their simple, reptilian, emotional (rather than factual, often even scoring the factual), fear-and-hate-mongering, utterly dishonest spiel.

They support vouchers while telling poor people who’re most frustrated with the schools but will never be able to afford the private schools, vouchers or no, that they’re pro-education, all the while undereducating them so they won’t question, won’t doubt, won’t research and read.

They support tax loopholes for millionaires and fortune 500 companies but claim to support tax cuts for all, they cut social services and claim they’re supporting private faith-based community support.

They cut veteran’s benefits and claim they are war heroes, so of course they’re pro-Vets. They lie and lie and lie.

The elitist part:

Again, they prey on the uneducated and the simple and the desperate for monetary help, and they’ve undereducated them to make them that way: simple – it’s time to admit that and to send correspondingly simple, clear, visual, emotional messages to the general public of this country. If this makes me seem condescending, patronizing, so be it. It’s what the Right does every day and pretends to do the opposite, paints us as the snobs while they pander and cajole and then laugh all the way to the bank.

They bank on fear, so let’s show people who are buying this crap that the GOP is really who they should fear, even if we have to exaggerate, to simplify, to use cliche and appeal to base emotions, to do it. Let’s win this damn election, by (almost) any means necessary. (Uh-oh, now I’m not just an elitist, I’m a black revolutionary!).

Gosh, I thought I’d feel better after writing this. Oh, and P-effin-S, I heard on Thom Hartmann (Air America,-check him out, and Alan Colmes at night, who hardly resembles the Alan Colmes on TV during the day) that Bob Woodward says that the October surprise could very well be be the capture or killing of Osama Bin-Laden. All the more reason that WE NEED TO GET BUSY. Oh, and any REPUBLICANS, conservatives, or other McCain supporters out there, if you’re thinking of writing a comment responding to this, don’t bother, I’ll just delete it (Tommy D, if you fall into this group, you might be an exception, but maybe not). The gloves are off, and fairness and balance are for suckers.Oh, shit – I’m supposed to claim that I am fair and balanced, aren’t I?I gotta get better at this stuff.