Into the Belly of the Beast–and Out

Into the Belly of the Beast–and Out

About a year ago, we were summoned to Hartford, to a meeting with the publishers. We were given homework: write a mission statement for our respective newspapers.By we, I mean the editors of the four newspapers in the Advocate chain. (That chain was broken with the...
A Timeline of the Alternative Press

A Timeline of the Alternative Press

"The business of a newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable."The above maxim, adopted by many in alternative publishing, originated as part of a satire written by a Chicago Tribune writer in the early 1900s. He meant it as a...
Free Press, Free Lunch

Free Press, Free Lunch

My story at the Valley Advocate begins, like so many good journalism stories, with a simple proposition: free food. I had grown up in the Twin Cities (far, far superior to the riot-cops-'n'-rich-whiteys impression suggested by coverage of the recent Republican...
A New Voice in the Valley

A New Voice in the Valley

When I started work at the Advocate in 1974, just a year after its founding, I became part of a motley crew with a passionate interest in news and arts and very little training in journalism. Our tiny staff included two reporters: Preston Gralla, who ran around the...


I've lived here in Easthampton my entire lifetime. I've seen a lot of changes over the years and, for the past 35 of those years, I've relied on the Advocate to provide arts and entertainment information, news coverage, and an alternative viewpoint on some...