Jockeying Discs

Jockeying Discs

Over the past decade-plus that I've lived in the Pioneer Valley, I've seen many different incarnations of the DJ scene. I began my education during my college days when I got a job at a caf? next door to Amherst's The Growroom, an underground music store...
“The Walls of the  Valley Are Greased…”

“The Walls of the Valley Are Greased…”

So spoke J.D. Keating, in prescient foretelling of my likely return to said valley, as he carried off my stereo receiver from my Kingsley Ave. apartment in January of 1997. I was selling off all my possessions (including a healthy collection of board games that Mike...
With A Latin Beat

With A Latin Beat

The chances of hearing strains of Latino music throughout the Pioneer Valley are no longer confined to chance encounters at red lights, the big public parties at the Springfield and Holyoke annual Puerto Rican parades or even flag raisings honoring a growing number of...
Under the Radar… for Now

Under the Radar… for Now

During this Grand Band Slam season—a time for celebrating the depth and diversity of the local music scene—we thought it would be a nice idea to shine a light on a new band that slipped through the sieve this go-round. To that end, the Advocate talked to...
Most Wanted

Most Wanted

Almost anyone can put their finger on the pulse of the local music scene if they really want to get out there and put the time in. The following people have their digits firmly planted on the radio knobs, computer keyboards and dayrunners that get bands around these...