I grew up in the Southern Baptist church. My dad was a minister, in fact. (He still is ordained, but his main gig is seminary prof.) So when I see video of Sarah Palin being blessed by an Assembly of God minister so that she’ll be successful in politics and be protected from witchcraft, alarm bells go off and just keep ringing and ringing.

Fundamentalists have drunk so much Kool-Aid the stuff is leaking from their ears. Theirs is fear-flavored. They are fundamentally afraid that they will stray from the path and burn in hell;they are afraid that our culture will not obey their rules. They see it as their duty to take over the nation and make us all fundamentalists, too.

If you think I kid, here are some fun links for you:

Wonder-Working Power (Valley Advocate, 2003–my heavily autobiographical take)

The Wobbly Wall Between Church and State

And check Wikipedia’s explanation of Dominionism, which is the fancy word for what Palin’s drive is: to be a Trojan horse for the wingnuts who make the merely political wingnuts look sane.

As someone who grew up among many fundamentalists, some of whom destroyed the careers of my father’s acquaintances, I can tell you firsthand: you do not want these people to have the power of the presidency. You do not want someone who’s been endorsed by a dude who wants to protect her from witchcraft and “save” the nation to be a heartbeat away from the nuclear trigger. Trust me on this one. Apocalypse is something to avoid, not embrace.

Here is Palin, being prepared to come deliver us all from unrighteousness:

The longer version, in which Pastor Muthee explains exactly why we need Palin in a position of power (in part, he says, because she can “change the laws”):