Springfield Public Forum |
"Great Speakers, Great Discourse, Free to the Public" |
Join us on Tuesday, October 14th at 7:30 pm and get the "insider’s perspective" on some of the most defining moments of the 20th century and the media that reported them. Roger Mudd,one of America’s most revered journalists and anchors will speak on Washington, CBS and the glory days of television news, based upon his recent memoir. Publisher’s Weekly review of Mudd’s memoir notes, "Mudd has written a mostly affectionate memoir. The anecdotes about his colleagues are humorous…(and) he fills the book with stories about the politicians and bureaucrats he covered." Come and listen, "live and in person", to Roger Mudd’s behind the scenes look at Washington and the media. The lecture and question and answer session will be followed by a book signing hosted by the Odyssey Bookstore. All events are free to the public thanks to the support of our members and corporate sponsors! If you would like to become a Public Forum member please click here to learn more. To view and print the Membership Form, please click here. It is your support that keeps the Forum free to all in our community. Thank you for your generosity! Many Thanks to our Season sponsor, MassMutual Financial Group. Thank you for your generous support and we look forward to seeing you at Springfield Symphony Hall! |
Upcoming Events
For more information about the speakers, please click here. All speeches are held at Springfield Symphony Hall and are free to the public thanks to membership and corporate support. For more information about the Springfield Public Forum, please click here. Thanks to our sponsors:
The Public Forum is proud to announce our new partnership with the Odyssey Bookshop. Visit the Odyssey on-line here, or in person at the Village Commons, 9 College St., South Hadley for a full selection of Forum speakers’ books! |