More on Noho Panhandling

Northampton does not have an extensive social support system. Funding has been cut, and there are not enough beds in the shelter system. Much of the shelter system is draconian and condescending, and the slightest infraction can send someone out in the cold. A homeless woman I spoke to said she was denied entry on a below-zero night.

There is free food in Northampton, but it is hardly three meals a day, or even one. It is not publicized well, and the survival center is located in a hard place to get to. Dumpster diving is illegal, or at least highly discouraged by businesses—dumpsters are locked once they discover they've been rummaged.

Food is expensive for homeless people, who don't have the resources to cook or refrigerate cheap food in bulk and must buy expensive pre-prepared food, not to mention other necessities like blankets, clothes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo. As for drug use, most drugs in Northampton are bought by affluent young adults. While some homeless people may occasionally do drugs or alcohol to escape their hellish existence once in a while, they don't have the income for regular habits and when a homeless person asks you for money, they are almost always asking for food or some other necessity. I also believe drug use is a personal choice, and as for mental illness, who knows? But one thing's clear: homelessness is traumatizing, and to essentially outlaw one of the few ways these people can survive makes light of that fact.

Caty Simon

McCain More Experienced

Senator McCain has a deep understanding of world affairs and defense strategies. The last president to have significant military experience was George H. W. Bush, and every president before him since Harry Truman served in our military. Of our most recent presidents, Bill Clinton, who decimated our military, did not serve, and George W. Bush only served part-time in the Texas Air National Guard. Currently, veterans comprise 29 percent of the Senate and 23 percent of the House of Representatives, down from 68 percent and 48 percent respectively in 1991.

We cannot have a president who might weaken our military and jeopardize our country. The way to prevent war is through strength of arms. McCain understands the pitfalls of war and is less likely to go to war unless absolutely necessary. We will not have the opportunity to address domestic issues if we lose our independence and freedom. Do we gamble on an inexperienced and very risky Obama, or do we elect McCain, a proven leader and patriot?

Donald A. Moskowitz
Londonderry, N.H.