All this Joe-the-Plumber-slash-Obama’s-a-Socialist crap is making me want to move to Europe – I did marry into EU citizenship, after all, tee hee – where the word socialist isn’t akin to Stalinist or Satanist. Videos of Palin and McCain at rallies hammering the (mis)quote that Barack wants to – brace yourself, sensitive souls, this is harsh stuff – "spread the wealth around" is met with a chorus of boos are just, grrrrr!!! You’d think that after the culture of greed of the past two decades comes crashing down around us (you may recall myrecent postthat history will frown as harshly on the Reagan as Russian Revolution) people wouldn’t be so eager to hoard all and share none of their wealth. Not if you’r ea McPalin supporter from a pro-American state, I guess


Times piece on “Joe” the “plumber.”


I’m Jamie Berger and I wicked approve this message!


Reagan fake ad

Again, I heartily approve!


Here’s a pretty amazing speech from AFL-CIO’s Richard Trumka about racism in this election, about how there’s only one major reason that a union member would vote against Barack Obama.


Rush Limbaugh on Colin Powell’s endorsement of Barack:"Secretary Powell says his endorsement is not about race… OK, fine. I am now researching his past endorsements to see if I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal, white candidates he has endorsed. I'll let you know what I come up with."


If you’re still not comfy with the gloves-off tactics I push, here’s the Conservapedia entry for Barack HUSSEIN Obama just so you can, once again, see what the other side stoops to.