Here's Barack’s entire, original “Joe” the “Plumber” conversation. Just for the complete background. Joe seemed pretty charmed at the time – it must kill the Foxnews-ers to watch such a gracious, smart, Ivy Educated, presidential! black man respond so intelligently and winningly to one of their own. Watch Obama’s body language, his physical contact. The man is so damn good on the street level. Very very good. I’m sure the same scumbags who've been shamelessly spinning Biden's recent yarn into fool's goldinto something sinister could do wonders with this clip – you know, that he’s awful things like “smooth” and, heaven forbid, especially for a black man, “articulate” – me, I’m just very impressed, similar to how I felt when I first watched Clinton (B.) in action. But god when I watch stuff like this, I’m always so nervous that someone’s going to jump out and shoot him – it's an awful feeling. Running secret service for Obama must be one nerve-wracking job.

Let's WIN! Dammit, I want it all, I want emmer-effin ARIZONA!!!!! I want a rout of Reaganesque proportions. I want the religious extremists, the reactionaries, the racists, to feel very very alone. Maybe it's time they went back where they came from – after all, their people were immigrants too, right? Send 'em back, I say!


Speaking of dirty tricks, and in the name of fairness and balance, I watched, live, when Chris Matthews crushed that idiot McCarthy-ite congresswoman Bachman from Minnesota. He reeled her in like a fish, baited her so sweetly, tugging the line just a bit, then a bit more, then finally hauled her in, getting her to say she wanted members of Congress investigated for Un-American-ness – a fantastic 50s retro soundbyte. It was just way too easy. It was arguably unfair of Matthews to prey on such an easy target, but it may wellturn a district in the right direction, and, after all, he didn’t force her to say it or anything. Those ends definitely justify the means.