Springfield Public Forum |
"Great Speakers, Great Discourse, Free to the Public" |
Dear Friend of the Public Forum, The City Thinks: Considering Chinabegins Thursday, October 30. Join us and learn more about China through cultural and educational programmingfor all ages and interests! The City ThinksKick-off event will be held tomorrowat American International College with a reception (6 p.m.) and lecture (7 p.m.)at the Karen Sprague Cultural Arts Center with world-renowned Professor PaulKennedy. Dr. Kennedy, the J. Richardson Dilworth Professor of History at Yale University and Director of Yale’s International Security Program, is one of the most respected and provocative historians of our day. He will share his expertise in global economic, political and security issueswith a particular focus on the rise of China on the global stage. Many Thanks to our Season sponsor, MassMutual Financial Group.
Thanks to City Thinks sponsors:
Thanks to our corporate sponsors:
Upcoming Events -10/30-08-11/22/08- Considering China Explore, discover and learn about Chinese culture, history and current society during three weeks of cultural and educational programming on China, developed around the November 13 speech of NPR Bureau Chief and China Road author Rob Gifford. Programming highlights include: Chinese Music and Movement (11/2 at Bay Path College), Chinese Culture Weekend at the Springfield City Library and Museums (11/8-11/9), and more. For a full City Thinks schedule click here. _______________
_______________ For more information about the speakers, please click here. For more information about the Springfield Public Forum, please click here. All Public Forum lecturesare held at Springfield Symphony Hall and are free to the public thanks to membership and corporate support. If you would like to become a Public Forum member, please click hereto learn more. It is your support that keeps the Forum free to all in our community. Thank you for your generosity! The Public Forum is proud to announce our new partnership with the Odyssey Bookshop. Visit the Odyssey on-line here, orat the Village Commons, 9 College St., South Hadley for a full selection of Forum speakers' books! Thank you for your generous support and we look forward to seeing you at Springfield Symphony Hall! |